February 6, 2025

Housing Designer

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Top 4 Ways to Set Your Business Up for Success in 2021

Top 4 Ways to Set Your Business Up for Success in 2021

Success in 2021

Like many businesses, you were probably happy to say goodbye to 2020. While normalcy has not yet returned to the home services industry, your focus should now be on finding success in 2021.

Taking the time to evaluate and adjust your business processes and strategies is a good way to start your year on the right foot. Here are the top four ways to set yourself up for success in 2021.

1. Evaluate Past Performance

Many times failure is looked at as a negative, when it should actually be seen as a learning experience. To position yourself for future success, you must learn from past victories and failures. This, of course, requires knowing what worked for your business and what did not.

Start by taking a comprehensive account of past marketing strategies, business processes, and customer satisfaction scores. Likewise, you can identify metrics used to gauge what constitutes a success. Tracking ROI of past efforts ensures you do not repeat the same things that did not previously pay off.

2. Keep an Open Mind

You should not become too comfortable with existing marketing efforts. Instead, if something is not working, be willing to pivot away from it and try something new. After all, even if you have a comprehensive marketing plan, you may not have fleshed out the advantages and drawbacks of all possible lead generation channels.

Keeping an open mind helps you find ways to stand out from your competition. Even if you have not used them before, the following may help you distinguish your business in 2021 and beyond:

  • Creating digital marketing campaigns
  • Generating multiple types of content
  • Rebranding your existing website or designing a new one
  • Exploring local networking opportunities
  • Testing digital advertising with online focus groups
  • Changing your social media focus

3. Set Realistic Goals

2020 changed business models across the country. It’s a good idea to revisit your business plan this year and rethink your short-, medium- and long-term objectives.

When setting goals for your business, don’t be too hard on yourself. Make sure your goals are realistic and remember that many components of your business may remain in flux this year.

While goals help you achieve success, they only benefit your business if you measure them. Consequently, when setting goals for 2021, you must identify metrics and closely monitor your progress. Be ready to make modifications when necessary and remain flexible.

4. Ask for Reviews

Nowadays, many customers use online reviews to find quality home service contractors. If your business does not currently have a strategy for gathering reviews, potential customers may make assumptions that you lack the experience and/or quality of staff to handle their project.

Likewise, if your company has too many negative reviews, prospective customers may move on to another contractor. Ultimately, asking customers for feedback will not only help boost your online reputation, but it will also help you win more business.

Let Keyword Connects Help You Find Success in 2021

Keyword Connects creates custom digital campaigns, tailored to your business and crafted to deliver qualified leads. Contact us today to see how you can find success in 2021 with us!

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